A Place to Call Home
Greetings! We are now in our third month in Japan, and we are writing from our 5th temporary accommodation. It's actually the same Airbnb back in Tokyo that we first stayed in when we moved to Japan back in March. Unfortunately, we were not able to continue in the "monthly mansion" in Kawasaki that we had been staying at. However, we have wonderful news about our housing search--we have received final approval on a home! Praise the Lord! This is a huge answered prayer for us! We are able to move into our new home in Kawasaki on July 1st! We are very grateful that we now have a place to call home!
In other news, we have enrolled Mason and Kaili in the private Japanese Christian school that we had been exploring. Both of them have made great progress with their Japanese, with Malia supplementing their Japanese learning at home. We are so grateful for the welcoming teachers and classmates! Jeff also started online Japanese language school this month. While Malia is exploring her formal language options still, she is studying and practicing along with Jeff. がんばっています!
Praise God for leading us to our new home! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for this for us!
Praise God that Mason and Kaili are adjusting well to school in Japan! The Japanese is difficult, but they are doing well!
Praise God for all of our teammates who have helped in countless ways as we adjust to life here in Japan. All of the driving, translating, housing our stuff, watching our kids, and simply talking have meant so much to us!
Please pray for our upcoming move to our new home on July 1st, that everything would go smoothly.
Please pray for our new neighbors, that God will prepare a way for community to be built and hearts to be softened toward the Gospel.
Please pray for our whole family's language learning. Japanese may be a difficult language, but we want to be able to not only get by with daily living but have deep conversations down the road. Holy Spirit, please give us the words to speak!
A trip to a local rose garden with our teammates the Lavermans
Yummy breakfast treat for Mason's birthday // The birthday boy's trip to the Shibuya Pokemon Center // Celebrating with friends!
Mason and Kaili at their new school // Fun at the park // Our first Costco visit
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili