Borders Reopening!
We have very big news this update! With about 73% of the country now fully vaccinated against COVID, Japan has finally decided to reopen its borders! Starting today, new visas can be issued to long-term resident applicants (like us), as well as business travelers and students (but not tourists yet). We are working on getting all the necessary documents in order to make an appointment to go to the Japanese Consulate here in Seattle to get our visas. But this is such a dramatic process shift for Japan that all the government agencies are scrambling to get accurate information and to get on the same page. So even though we know the borders are indeed opening for us, we do not yet have an estimated departure date yet. If all goes as planned, we are looking at a December move to Japan. All the praise goes to God for this development! Through all the waiting we've done these past several months, it has all been orchestrated in His perfect timing!
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." ~ 2 Peter 3:8-9
We'll let you all know once we have a definitive move date, and we'll pass along info regarding any final send-offs. More to come!
Praise God that Japan is finally opening its borders! This is an answered prayer for not only us, but also several of our teammates who have been waiting in the same position.
We're thankful that we get to spend one last Thanksgiving with family here in the States before moving.
With the FDA and CDC authorizing the COVID vaccine for younger kids, we are able to get our kids fully vaccinated before we depart for Japan.
Please pray for a quick and smooth visa application process, including all the logistics and documentation needed. Part of the confusion is that Japan is now requiring a new screening certificate (審査済証 or shinsa sumi sho) for sponsoring organizations to obtain. We need this before we can schedule an appointment at the Consulate. Please pray for swift processing!
We humbly ask for prayer especially for Mason and Kaili. They've heard about Japan for years now as we've navigated this journey thus far, but they have still never been. As we finally gear up to make this transition, please pray for their wellbeing, adjustment, and protection from lies from the enemy. Jesus is indeed with us no matter where we are!
Even though we've hit 100% support, we aim to continue partnership development. This is in the hopes of having enough support in place that we can weather potential budget increases and supporter attrition to avoid dipping below 100% in the future. Please pray for our continued partnership development.
We're going to Japan! // Dressed up as an astronaut and Princess Aurora // The kiddos in action! Our soccer stars!
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili