Home for the Holidays
We leave for the States today for our first home assignment. We will be in America until early April next year. We'll mostly be in Washington, but we'll also be visiting Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Colorado. We're excited to see our partners, friends, and family! Please feel free to reach out--we'd love to see you and connect!
For those considering a year-end tax-deductible gift, we are in need of one-time funds to attend a missionary debrief at MTI (Mission Training International) in Colorado in late February/early March. We need to raise $7000. If you feel so led, you can make a one-time gift using this link.
Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support, and Merry Christmas!

Enjoying one last sushi dinner before departing Japan
Updates & Praise:
We're officially registered to attend the missionary debrief at MTI in Colorado (late Feb/early March). Praise God, especially that the logistics were finally ironed out!
As the year winds down, we have been able to have several friends over to our place for meals, crafts, and fellowship.
Jeff met with H-san (non-believer whose daughter goes to kindergarten at Mason and Kaili's school) to practice English a couple times already. Praise God for the opportunity to build relationship and witness! We will meet again in the new year.
Jeff has continued to lead an English-speaking men's Bible study. We finished a study on Colossians, and started a study on Romans. During home assignment, we'll continue our Romans study via text.
Malia has continued to teach English at Mason and Kaili's school. It's been a wonderful opportunity to grow relationship with the students, parents, and teachers! Malia just finished her last English class of the school year (since we'll be gone) with an English games party. Malia is so proud of how much the kids have learned!
Jeff's Japanese class was indeed cancelled, but this might be for the best with our home assignment in view. This may be the end of his formal language study, especially to ensure Malia gets the chance to take more Japanese classes once we return to Japan. We will both look to take a more casual speaking practice class to stay fresh with Japanese while in America.
Please pray for traveling mercies as we head to America for home assignment (December 17th through April 8th). We will first travel to Hawaii to visit Malia's family for the holidays. After New Year's, we will then head to Seattle.
For our home assignment, please pray for rest, recovery, and reignited passion for ministry in Japan.
Even though we will be in the States, please pray for Denen Grace Church's Mizonokuchi, Azamino, and Kosugi Chapels and their Christmas outreach events. Christmas is a time of year that Japanese are especially open to hearing more about Jesus.
Please pray for Mason and Kaili's education while we are Stateside. They will be taking a couple American online classes, in addition to having some Japanese homework from their school here.
Please pray for Jeff and Malia's ongoing language learning, especially with our extended stay in America coming up. We will need to continue to work those Japanese muscles!
Please pray for partnership development and support raising. We've lost some support, and are currently under-funded by $400 per month.

Our "mini" Christmas morning before leaving Japan
Merry (early) Christmas! // Celebrating the Advent season // Making cookies with friends
At-home crafts with friends // Saying goodbye at school // Jeff's men's Bible study
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason, Kaili, and Elijah