Moved In!
We've moved in! We are excited to say that we officially have a home in Japan! Thank you to everyone for all your prayers! God has brought us to the best home for us, it just took a little longer to get here than we thought. We moved into our new apartment on July 1st, and we've been hard at work getting the place set up and furnished. We have blistered hands from putting together so much new furniture, but we are so thankful to have this space of our own to finally unpack and settle in to our new life in Japan. After moving in, we had a great time celebrating Independence Day with our fellow American teammates in Japan for the first time, including lighting some sparklers.

Praise God for a (mostly) smooth move-in to our new home! A huge thank you to all who helped us move, and to everyone who prayed for this need! God is good!
Praise God that Mason and Kaili continue to do well in school! They are learning more Japanese every day.
Praise God that Jeff's Japanese class is going well.
Tragic news broke today of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's assassination. This is a huge shock, especially in a country as safe as Japan. Please pray for the people of Japan, that God would use this senseless tragedy to draw Japanese to Himself.
We plan to go out and meet our new neighbors soon. Please pray for our neighbors, for good understanding despite language barriers, for Spirit-led conversations, and for relationships to be built.
Please continue to pray for our whole family's language learning.
Please pray as we prepare to have the kids back at home for summer break. School gets out in mid-July for a 6-week break, with school starting again in September.
Please pray for our car needs. Now that we have a home, we are looking to purchase a car very soon. Please pray for a smooth and quick process in car shopping, and for Jeff to learn how to drive on the "other" side of the road.
First meal in our new home! // I think somebody new lives here... // New uniforms for school!
Celebrating the Fourth with sparklers with friends // Video chats with family and friends
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili