Pray for Japan - Day 2 Peace for the People
With Shinto and Buddhism as the major religions of Japan, the focus of spiritual life is often non-attachment, honoring your country and family, independence and cleanliness of life. While worthy motives, many times Japanese people suffer alone behind masks of perfection. But our God wants so much more than this for us all.
"Do not worry about anything but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your requests to the Lord and the peace which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7)
Pray today for the people of Japan. Pray that they would believe that the deep peace and soulful rest that only our God can provide does exist and is not a temporary indulgence that will only cause suffering later. Pray that they hear the still, small voice of God calling them to an abundant life, not in material goods but in peace, love, purpose, and genuine community.
