Pray for Japan - Day 10 - Leaving Well
Thanks for joining us on this journey of 10 days of prayer for Japan! It's been so encouraging to know you are praying along with us for Japan and our family. As we close this time, we look forward to our continued partnership with you and eagerly await God's answer to these prayers.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8
For our tenth and final day, we'd like to humbly ask for prayer for us to leave well. During this extended in-between period, it's been difficult to know how much to invest in different aspects of living here in the States as we look toward moving to Japan. We feel God's call to Japan, so we long to be there. But we also love our friends and family in America, and recognize that God has a purpose for us as long as we're here too. As we see our move on the horizon, we seek to wrap up things in Washington and plan for the transition.
Please pray that we are able to say our goodbyes well when the time comes. It will be bittersweet, as we'll be excited to finally be on our way to Japan, but sad to leave what's been our home for so long.
Please pray for any relationships that need reconciliation before we leave, that God's peace would abound.
Please pray for us to be rooted in God's Word, for the deceits of the enemy to fall flat.
Please pray that God would continue to lay the groundwork for us to settle in smoothly in Japan.
And finally, please continue to pray for the Japanese people and the country of Japan, that God would continue to make Himself known, that people would see and experience Jesus's love for them.
Find the rest of our 10 Days of Prayer on our website:
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili