Pray for Japan - Day 8 Japanese Churches
As we thank God today for the churches that we attend, let us also think and pray a blessing on the Church of Japan. Churches in Japan are usually small, between 10-30 people and are generally very formal. Just as individual believers in Japan, the churches and church leadership may feel alone as they face unique challenges both from inside the church and from cultural pressures and norms. But God hears their prayers.
"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." (1 Peter 3:8)
Please pray today that God would bless the Japanese churches abundantly. Pray that His light would shine through the work of the people and His truth would change the hearts of many. Pray for unity and community within each church and between churches. Pray for maturity, humility, wisdom and grace for church leaders. Pray that people may speak the truth in love and may grow in faith together as brothers and sisters. Pray that God may build up the body of Christ in Japan.
