Pray for Japan - Day 9 - Remaining Financial Support
Thanks for embarking on this journey of 10 days of prayer for Japan with us! We know that God needs to be at the center of all we do. He is the reason we are going to Japan in the first place! We want to cover the nation of Japan in prayer. Although sometimes it's hard to ask for it ourselves, our family also needs prayer as we begin to make final preparations for our move to Japan.
“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”
Luke 10:2
For our ninth day, we'd like to humbly ask for prayer for the raising of our remaining financial support. We have 2 financial budgets that we are raising support for--our monthly recurring expenses, and one-time outgoing costs. Our one-time outgoing expense budget (i.e. "start-up costs") is basically fully funded at this point. Praise God! What really determines when we can buy our plane tickets and move to Japan is our monthly ongoing budget (our "rate-limiting step," for those chem majors out there). We need to have our monthly budget 100% committed to before we can go. We currently sit at 70% officially with commitments reported to WorldVenture, and about 73-74% with verbal commitments we've received that haven't been reported to WorldVenture yet. As previously mentioned, we are able to move forward with applying for our visas for Japan since you helped us reach our 70% commitment goal earlier this month. This is a giant praise! But we continue onward with building partnerships until we can depart for Japan.
Please pray for God's timing in this partnership development process. It's not about our timelines, but His.
That being said, our hope and prayer is to reach 100% of our monthly budget committed to in the next 3-6 months so we'll be ready to move by spring or summer. That's about $2500 more per month to go. We believe in a God who provides abundantly, but please pray for this need to be met.
Please pray for more individuals and churches for us to meet with. Zoom fatigue is real, but it's our best way to share with others in the midst of this pandemic.
Please pray for us to continue to trust in God to provide for us. It's definitely out of our comfort zone to talk about financial support with others, since we are both used to working healthcare jobs that provide financial security. (Of course, our finances have always been in God's hands and not our own.)
Thank you to all of our partners who are already supporting us. That can never be said enough! Please pray that our supporters will be blessed abundantly as they respond to God's call into partnership with us.
Find the rest of our 10 Days of Prayer on our website:
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili