Two Years in Japan!
We can't believe it's been 2 years since we moved to Japan. In some respects, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. But a lot has happened in our time here too. We feel blessed to be able to continue to serve those here in Japan, and we thank you for all of your prayers and support for our family and ministry. We would not be here without you!
Updates & Praise:
We will be returning to the States for our first home assignment for 3 months early next year (January to March 2025). We will mostly be in Washington, but will also be visiting family, supporters, and churches in Oregon, California, and Hawaii. We're in the midst of planning for this, which includes buying plane tickets and finding places to stay. We would love to see you then if possible, so please let us know if you'd like to connect!
The Easter events in Azamino and Ibaraki went so well! Many kids attended and heard the Gospel. Jeff was able to share his testimony in Japanese at both events (video). A middle schooler (M-chan) in Ibaraki also got baptized at the service following our Easter event! She came to the VBS back in 2019 during our first short-term missions trip to Japan, so this was extra-special to witness. As the baptismal was being prepared following the Easter event, Malia even got to share (in Japanese!) with curious non-believers what baptism is!
We're grateful (as every year) for this year's annual JVENTURE retreat near Mount Fuji in April. It was refreshing to fellowship, worship God, and to be fed spiritually in English. Malia is especially grateful to Twin Lakes Church for coming to serve us and for partnering with her in the physical therapy mini-clinic.
We had a wonderful visit with Malia's dad in late March! We're so thankful he got a chance to come.
April brought a new school year. Mason has started 5th grade, and Kaili 3rd grade. We can't believe it!
Mason and Kaili are currently at a school camp in Nagano, a 4-hour drive away. Please pray for their time there, and for safe travels home (Wednesday this week). We miss them!
Please pray for upcoming ministry events:
Azamino Chapel picnic fellowship on Sunday, May 19th.
Please pray for ongoing relationships in our community, including Jeff meeting with Japanese dads, and Malia's mulitple opportunities to share God's love through ministering to children, including teaching English.
Please pray for preparations for Lighthouse's short-term missions team to come this summer (late July/early August), where we will serve with them in Azamino and Ibaraki.
Later this month, our team leaders, the Mitchells, will to return to the States for the summer for home assignment. Please pray for us and our teammate Alissa to help the Azamino ministries run well in their absence, and for the Mitchells to have a restful, restorative time in the States.

Annual JVENTURE retreat near Mount Fuji
First day of the new school year! // Elijah with sakura // Elijah with Momma and Grandpa
Easter event in Ibaraki // Jeff giving his testimony // Ladies' Bible study
Kaili at school camp in Nagano // Mason enjoying the food at camp
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason, Kaili, and Elijah